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We journey with God, to serve with love

Day 4 - Piecing the Season Together

December 6, 2023

Lately my family has been into puzzles.

As in anything we humans do, the picture on the puzzle sometimes says something about the person/s piecing them together. For my son (and in some respects, the whole family) the puzzles have reflected interests in Star Wars spinoffs, Great Lakes ships, and everything in between.

This year, we decided to take our puzzle-making to a new level: a 1008-piece manger scene-by-mail-order. "What!" you might say - a huge intimidating puzzle at such a busy time of year?!?

But what makes this "Advent Puzzle" unique is that its designer split up the box of 1000+ pieces into 24 smaller boxes containing roughly 40 pieces each. Not only are they in separate boxes, but each puzzle piece has the number "1" through "24" on the back...just in case we they all don't get back into their correct mini-box after Christmas.

The one word I kept coming up with before ordering this puzzle was "manageable." Suddenly, a puzzle so large and intimidating seemed easy...when taken one section at a time. Perhaps Jesus had a little something to say about puzzles like this in Matthew chapter 6:33-34. He says "But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 'So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today's trouble is enough for today."

Each day we try to tackle just enough worries for today, and leave the rest of the puzzle for tomorrow. A simple act of faith and diligence, as God pieces the rest together this Advent.

Posted by Pr. Paul at 12:00 am
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Bethlehem Lutheran Church
1050 Peninsula Drive
Traverse City, MI 49686-2799
Phone: 231.947.9880